Produse pentru încărcarea unei baterii solare cu ciclu adânc (2)

Animație panouri solare - Explicație animație sistem panouri solare Reinasan

Animație panouri solare - Explicație animație sistem panouri solare Reinasan

Middels deze animatie proberen we op een speelse manier in het kort een duidelijke uitleg te geven over ons systeem voor zonnepanelen. Meer details over dit en eventueel andere Reinasan systemen zijn terug te vinden hier op Europages, onze website en op ons YouTube kanaal. We waarderen feedback! Zend ons gerust via dit platform een bericht. Veel kijkplezier!
Tăierea celulelor fotovoltaice - Celule de jumătate, treime și țiglă. Tăiere liberă. Laser TLS

Tăierea celulelor fotovoltaice - Celule de jumătate, treime și țiglă. Tăiere liberă. Laser TLS

- Formats from 1/2 to 1/6 cells and sizes up to M12 - Free-form cutting - Power increase of up to 2W through TLS technology 3D-Micromac's patented laser technology for direct cutting of solar cells is the leading method for cutting cells. When conventional cutting methods reach their limits, TLS technology with ultra-short pulses comes into play. Excellent cutting qualities with high reproducibility and accuracy can be guaranteed. Whether half-cell, third-cell, quarter-cell or the trend-setting six-cell. The great flexibility of TLS technology makes it possible to provide our customers with comprehensive support. Adaptation in the number of cell cuts, variation in the size of the substrates up to 220mm or a high flexibility in the freedom of shape. From silicon-based cell types such as PERC, TOPCon, HJT to IBC, the processing of your mono- and polychristaline photovoltaic cells is possible.